Sunday, February 04, 2007

Some kajal and lipstick please!

Some kajal and lipstick please!

The Queen is now forced to do the thing he hates the most! Campaign for his party men who are fighting the panchayat and zilla parishad polls in the nook and corner of the state.

The lazy man has to get up and leave early for the tours to the boondocks of Orissa where fawning party men await him with hired crowds. Seeing the cheering crowds (Rs.50 + one free lunch is the going rate) lulls him into thinking about his massive popularity!

Given even a nano bit of a chance, he would opt for his sedate evenings at the capital when he can relax with his Black Dog and jumbo prawns and maybe a bite from the corned beef tin kept always at hand !

Just got to watch the Queen from real close quarters (almost at handshake distance!) at one of his election rallies. The cavalcade of vehicles preceded by the siren blaring police pilot vehicle swept into the meeting spot in a flurry of red dust. At least 15 private vehicles stuffed with dour faced partymen followed him.Yes, they were disgruntled because no sarkari babu or clerk ever listens to them! You see few could reap the benefits of their party being in power for 6 whole years !

Wonder who pays for all this ! The BJD party or the party men themselves? With the Queen’s clarion call to fight against corruption, the party must be real broke! Wonder how they print their banners and posters, lakhs of which are now found all over the countryside even in the remote hamlets!

In a spotless white kurta pyjama and with the fake smile on his puffed up face, the Party Prez was waving at the crowd. I was wondering what a great hit he would have been among his hand clapping sisters, if only he would smear some kajal and lipstick! A hundred hearts would have broken to smithereens! Hai! Hai!

The mikes blared out the BJD campaign spiel which he of course could not follow since it was in Oriya. How our most beloved CM is committed to the upliftment of tribals……….does it by shooting down the protesting tribals !

How he is working for development of western Orissa…………forget about state budget , central grants are left unspent for years together!

How he is dreaming to develop the state through industrialization……….so that banias can laugh their way to the bank with the loot from captive mines gifted at harek maal rates!

Alas, how long are we going to tolerate the Queen's chicanery with which he has been fooling us since the last 6 years! Any saviours listening ?