Saturday, July 01, 2006

Assault on Oriya swabhiman?

Assault on Oriya swabhiman?

One of the most unlikely scene flashed across TV channels a few days ago. A smiling Budha babu embraced Mukesh Ambani ( a snake and mongoose jodi! ) who smugly announced his grand investment of Rs.4,000 crore to set up farm retail points and gas based power plants which would apparently push the Bong economy to stratospheric heights!

What has the world come to! How could a dyed in the wool commie jump into blissful union with a much reviled capitalist !

I also couldn’t help guffawing when the Ambani crook said that he was there to help the farmers of WB! Folks have you ever heard of the Ambani dakus ever helping anyone in their chequered corporate history? They are bloody merciless sharks who would happily suck the farmers to death! All they need now are the obliging red netas!

Cut to Orissa! Cries of protest by the vociferous red unions and their hired crowds rent the air as they protest Nalco’s privatization. What a turn round! Trust the reds to be true turncoats!

In redland they will happily welcome India’s most notorious investor the perfectly immoral Reliance group who buy out every bloody minister or babu to ensure that a truly free market economy prevails so that they are “free to loot the janata!”

Oh the double standards of the hypocritical reds! And secondly, why protest in Orissa against Nalco dis investment. Why don’t they pull the rug from under the Sardar’s feet at the center? They want to have the cake and eat it too!

When it was accepted in 1991 by the entire nation that we need to liberalize the economy to improve our lives; that the government has to get out of business so that the taxpayers do not bear their mounting losses; why these protests ?

Everyone knows that PSUs are milch cows for the vast army of netas and their chamchas! Corruption is rampant in Nalco as its officers and employees make money left and right. Who wants to give up this honey pot?

The moment private management takes control (not after this measly 10 % dis investment since it will only reduce the GOI’s holding to 77.5% ) the first thing they shall do is to exterminate these rats who now freely loot the company. There is no dispute that a privately managed Nalco will be run better, be more efficient and fetch better returns for the same capital employed.

And the most ethical reason I can think in favour of dis investment, is that the owner (GOI) has every right to decide how to deal with his property. Who are the bloody household help to object to this? Tomorrow if you decide to sell your house, can your servant stop you by saying that he does not like the new owner. If he hates him, let him vamoose!

And the govt. of Orissa also has no right to ask the center to stop. The moronic argument that they gave the captive bauxite mines to Nalco because it was a PSU does not jell.Since when has it become a condition of mines lease that ownership will always be with the state? If that be so, then why don’t they apply the same rule to the Tatas and the Birlas who have grabbed obscene amounts of iron, chromite and bauxite leases?

If the state badly wants to protect the “ Oriya swabhiman” whatever it means, let them set up a patriotic fund and ask every Oriya to contribute so that they can buy out 10 % shares ? And woe betide Nalco, if the Queen’s govt. manages to jostle into the board with an equity backing! Our inimitable babus will successfully use their stone age managerial skills to convert the current Rs.1,234 crores profit into a net loss within one year! Have you forgotten their notorious management track record of the state PSUs?

I also wonder why the same BJD or BJP netas don’t launch public protests against the planned loot by Posco! The Korean bandits are being handed over 600 million tones of iron ore at Rs.26 per tonne royalty ! Assuming the company gets it at Rs.2,600 = 2,850 – 250 (raising cost + royalty) the loss to our state comes to Rs.156,000 crores at present market prices. The state would have earned this amount by just selling the ore in the market! Shockingly, there is no rasta or rail roko over this daylight banditry!

Why there is so much of opposition to the Nalco deal ? Freebies and goodies like hefty cuts on purchases and contracts, fake bills, free use of company guest houses and cars, foreign junkets, nepotism will of course disappear!

The Statutory Auditor’s report on Nalco for 2004-05 says…….. “ As regards fraud on the Company, in one case, one transport contractor has forged the signature of officers of the Company and has claimed false bills, the amount of which is being worked out. The business with the contractor has been suspended and the amount will be recovered from his pending bills.”

This shocking fraud happened inspite of a full fledged internal control system and at least 3 audit firms looking into internal audit. Were the officers sleeping when the false bills were paid out? The fraud amount is so huge that they could not calculate the amount of the loot ! Now you have a fair idea of how many crooks are bleeding the company and why they are screaming against dis investment !

Nalco is the pride of the state and we will not allow the central government to do that,’ a leading BJP neta loftily proclaimed. What pride? The state government has not invested a single naye paise and has not managed this company for a day! How can you blow a trumpet which does not even belong to you? Folks, I hope you do remember that the BJP banias were happily bartering away Nalco shares when they were in NDA a few years ago!

The government has no business to be in business and let Nalco's dis investment proceed smoothly !


Blogger Last word said...

My dear kalinga sandha kicking someones back is ok but kicking someones intelligence no no noway thats the last thing you should try.You just kicked a sardar to support another sardar,let me tell you the one you kicked is not a sardar he is a keralite prakash karat.In politics one has strange bed partners but they work out better than your cheap minister sorry chief and the posco chief.I know you fancy youself being called a sandha but stop reporting like a "gai"


Saturday, July 01, 2006  
Blogger Kalinga Sandha said...

To last word,

You mean I kicked Harkishen to support Manmohan? No. No. It was not meant to be that way!

Never wanted to kick a sardar to support another sardar. I was penning my views on the reasons behind the strident protests by the Nalco staff.

Well the commies have the entire country with them........ sardars, mallus and the bongs as well.

The last two races being over represented in their gang. It would be interesting to find a reason for this. Any "last word" on this from you ?

Methinks the most dangerous are the mallus, whose mind even God fails to read at times!But sardars are lovably simple folks, happy with their sarson ki saag and bhangra!

Saturday, July 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I fully agree with KS! I have had a very nasty experience with a mallu female who was my office colleague. She made my life miserable! Never knew what was going on her mind!

Have to say something about the communists and their double face.

I knew a great commie of Orissa who was also a leading lawyer who used to fight for the opressed working classes. He used to charge a nominal sum of Rs.10 from each workman. Nobody totted up the total which normally came to Rs.10,000 since the union had a membership of 1000 workers !

And in the evenings,he used to down pegs of Black Label to drown his deep sorrow over the sufferings of the exploited workmen!

Saturday, July 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kalinga Sandha have you been paid off by Hindalco to press for Nalco privatization?

Why don't you wish to the company to continue to be govt. owned ? It is a profit making one and is one of the best aluminium companies in the world!

Saturday, July 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Nalco man,

Are you one of those Nalco execs making a nice pile on the side which your better half splurges on diamonds?

If you are hired help,just shut up your mouth! The owner should decide to whom to sell or not sell. You go to your office, do your bit and take your pay packet at the end of the month. Don't interfere in the affairs of your masters!

Saturday, July 01, 2006  
Blogger Kalinga Sandha said...

Hey Nalco man,

I am sure you are one of those sleazy company guys who is draining the company dry.

Go through the post and you will see why I have said that Nalco should be privatized promptly . The opposition is from the employees who are leading a comfortable life now with the free goodies thrown in.

Ofcourse the loot is also there to enjoy!

And thanks HOT (hope you are hot too!)for your support! Shall buy you a drink!

Saturday, July 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment is again inspired by our insipid ETV.

In course of a live discussion on the channel on NALCO disinvestment, a BBSR-based business journo (a true Baristha) forcefully argued that privatisation was against Orissa's and all ordinary Oriyas' interests.

What was left unsaid however is that any privatisation would foremost be detrimental to the Baristha's interest.

The journo's elder brother is a senior official at Nalco and rakes in the moolah, more by unfair means than the fair way. Needless to say, a private ownership would put a stop to his loot. And also possibly show the door to him.

No wonder, our Baristha was all fire and brimstone against the disinvestment. Bias journalism at its very best.

The least ETV ought to have done while broadcasting the discussion was to carry a disclaimer, saying that the Baristha has vested links, and therefore could be biased.

But can you really expect sparkling journalim from the midget journos in ETV?

Sunday, July 02, 2006  
Blogger Kalinga Sandha said...

To Anon,

Must say I agree with you 100%! However, I rarely watch ETV, the "achar" channel hence I do not know exactly what were the great un's arguments!

The elder sibling in Nalco used to demand a sizeable cut from all the advts. and sponsorships he issued. Don't know if the junior enjoys any benefits!

I am sure most of the "baristhas" are dead against the disinvestment plans.

Only a fool could expect the moronic ETV guys to deliver the goods! Other than thrusting cameras at the unsuspecting target,and asking inane questions, these guys are doudble confirmed idiots!

How can you ever expect them to deal with a serious subject as Nalco disinvestment?

After being deluged with the Priya pickles ads,I get the unmistakbly bloody smell of achar whenever I watch this stupid channel!

Sunday, July 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Invest or disinvest. There are two sides. Let the shares of Nalco be divested and let employees of Nalco buy all the share.
Then everybody will see how the employees will tolerate babus and netals loot Nalco money?

Once Nalco is handed over to its employees, then the red crabs would
be kicked out from the campus.

one cannot tolerate one's house being looted!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 02, 2006  
Blogger Last word said...

No one is keen on the assault of the oriyas swabhiman cause non of you have "maan" forget swabhiman.Talking of mallus, bongs
and sardars is this we are all ment for "gaan mausi katha".Stop being yellow, blaming the labourers the wakils and the baristha journos poor souls they all need a bite."Jago" veer oriyas it was your chief minister who had approved for a 30%disinvestment in nalco when he was at the centre and later the NDA agreed for 60%then why crib for 10%.Its time you started thinking big.I am no UPA stooge.
Last word

Sunday, July 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To last word

Now the Queen is singing a different tune since he is in the state.

Come on we all enjoy the harmless gossip about Bongs, Mallus and sards. Let us have a bit of fun also in this site!

We know you are not UPA stooge otherwise you would be singing about the grand lady!

Sunday, July 02, 2006  
Blogger Kalinga Sandha said...

Dear Kalinga bira,

Theemployees could bid for the shares too theoritically speaking!

But even 10 % would come to more than 2,000 crores .Do you think that the employees can muster that kind of money ?

Sunday, July 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just saw this blog by chance. Was wondering about the unidentified poor Kalinga Sandha who is scared to be identified. First muster courage to identify yourself, then go public and give sermons. Why is this debate over NALCO?
Also felt sorry for those who have commented to the different posts. They too lack courage to identify themselves. One even went a step further to identify himself as Kalinga Bira. Nonsense.
If you guys have courage, have open discussions by revealing your identity and then discuss genuine issues that concerns the poor and down trodden. Criticise the Naveen Government for its lapses in sending docs to hospitals in tribal-dominated areas and non-supply of medicines to those living in those places.
I am not identifying myself, because it will be like telling the thieves that i am a policeman.

Sunday, July 02, 2006  
Blogger Kalinga Sandha said...

To last Anon,

You are a moron! Why are you bothered about identities of the bloggers? The blog's strength is in the cloak of anonymity!

Do you want people's professional lives to be screwed up by identifying themselves? It is not lack of courage, but sheer brains!

For that matter, why didn't you identify yourself first for starters? Fancying yourself as a policeman,eh? Ha Ha! An Oriya policeman who runs at the first sight of a bow and arrow yielding Naxal !

Nalco dis investment is a big issue now in the state. The Queen has deputed his ministers to stand in front of the Nalco gate and shout. I consider this a very relevant and pertinent issue fit for discussion in my blog.

If you can't understand the Nalco debate you dumbhead,go elsewhere.

The blog is not to discuss about the poor and downtrodden of Orissa.You can start a blog for them where you can discuss medicines, doctors for rural Orissa.

Sunday, July 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

comment test

Sunday, July 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked the Nalco piece. No wonder there are strong protests.

Keeping going.

Sunday, July 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Anon

Hey moral policeman go and drink some desi illicit hooch and sleep at home.

We do not want idiots like you to spoil the blog, you identification obsessed character!

Sunday, July 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Nalco debate is raging in the state.

Yesterday I was talking to a Nalco officer who was worried over his future. He said that the employees unions were behind the agitations and had caught hold of the gullible politicians and even paid off some to shout louder.

Let us us if the disinvestment actually happens!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI KS(not kama sutra condom)
U are nice ,but u should have some thing ,whats these Baristha sambadika doing in the local tv studio,they have there news paper to write and think of orissa furtune,why local tv.hey baristha plz do ur work ,company paying u.or make way some young journalist.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear kalinga sandha

i agreed to your reply. give poor employees Rs 100 crore share.

Orissa government, which claims that losing 10 per cent means losing Oriya swabhman, should buy another Rs 500 crore.

The buying of share will not be bad
deal for Orissa government becuase as it claims that Nalco will continue to give profit then it is sure that the government will continue to get benefit. Not a bad investment.

but you will agree with me. lets ask the members of Nalco board of directors buy another Rs 500 crore.You have to agree with me that they are capable of doing that. You will also agree that all
big directors and high ranking officials in the company are behind
the agitation.

the rest shares should go to communists. They claim that Nalco can never be in loss. Let them buy
the share and prevent Hindalco or vedanta taking away the shares.

Left leaders are capable of doing anything. They are the leaders of poor but they collect Rs 25 to travel by air. They are leaders of poor but they live in palatial houses. They are leaders of poor but ask them to spend a night in tribal village, you will find them running quicker than 100 meter champion. They are leaders of poors, ask them to withdraw support from UPA on issue of Nalco disinvestment, they will not show their face.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi anan,

most of these Baristha sambadikas are actully unemployed. They do not represent any newspaper worth its name. So bereft of a regular employment, they are into racketeering. Appearing on TV helps them to stay in ciculation.

I can name quite a few: But one prominent example would be one Dhal --who also is an insurance agent. He literally croaks on TV....mouthing inanities.

And the few baristhas who have jobs, they are so ill-paid or incompetent that they are frustrated. Appearing on TV boosts their ego....self-aggrandisement .

Wednesday, July 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's my choice of top 5 dishonest, blackmailing, Baristha's in Orissa:

1. Braja
2. Tatha
3. Kar
4. Bal
5. Dhal

Pls feel free to add to the list. After all, you find such fraudsters in abundance here....

Wednesday, July 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just making an attempt to update the list of Barishtha Sambadikas of Kalinga.

5. Nagu
6. Bisoi
7. Chandra Patnaik
8. Ravi
9. Bipina
10.Jayashis and Co.

This list should always be kept open for further additions.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006  
Blogger Kalinga Sandha said...

Hope other folks go on updating the list.

Heard that Jaysish the kera bong sambadika was very close to the fat scotch whisky swilling bong CS we had a couple of years ago. He did some major deals during that period.Has fattened his nest well I must say.

Friday, July 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about the other Bong sambadika who used to stomp around the state until he left the shores for abroad?

Oriya bhainas hate this Bong. Wonder why? Is it because he made more money on the sly than the others. Or they hated him because he was honest and was unlike the rest?

Saturday, July 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To last Anon,

I think they hated him because he was close to Naveen babu! Never heard of any deals made by him.

By the way his prose was way above he rest of the cretins who write English here!Was always an admirer of his!

Saturday, July 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suggest KS do a ranking of the sambadikas here....One for the honest/competent ones, another for the wolves in sheeps clothing.

Applaud those who deserve it. Unmask those who are not deserving.

Sunday, July 09, 2006  

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