Monday, August 14, 2006

No Page 3 crowd here !

No page 3 crowd here!

Finally Assembly is over! For the last two weeks, work at all govt. offices had come to a grinding halt with the single excuse that the Assembly is on. Transfers, promotions, work orders, payments, permits, clearances, notifications, etc. everything was on hold!

What ultimately happened after our dear MLAs deliberated, shouted and gesticulated over serious matters of state? Did anything change for the janta? Better roads, clean hospitals or good governance? Unfortunately, nothing changed!

The Queen sat through the entire proceedings with a bored pain-in-the-ass look on his puffed up face. Nowadays, he is able to decipher spoken Oriya and his party men do not have to strain to speak fifty fifty Oriya-English while haranguing. But he has yet to speak or read the local lingo.

It is an enigma which political pundits cannot explain ! I am at a total loss to come up with answers when my friends from other states ask me how he is so popular though he does not even know the language! I guess because he is not one of us !

An MLA was complaining to me bitterly the other day about the deplorable attitude of the imperious babus who are forced to troop to the House when matters related to their departments are discussed. He said that the way they sat with their hands sprawled all over chair and bodies leaned back, it appeared that even the presence of the CM did not evoke any gesture respect! He lamented that they never deigned to greet MLAs or treat them with courtesy.

I laughed at him and told him what a fool he was! Did he not know that our babus are incorrigible and have jumbo jet size egos? When the Queen can’t even go to the loo without their nod, how could he expect them to salaam the 5 year term holder netas?

Nowadays, the party TV channel ensures that a few MLAs do get their two minutes of fame by inviting them to their studio for discussions. These shows get hilarious when you have guaranteed dumb head netas being asked to expound on current political issues.

Green horn anchors expectedly get imbecilic answers when they ask equally stupid questions like: “Why do you think Naveen Pattnaik is popular?” Or, “Are you happy with the flood relief measures?” or gems like “Do you think the tribals are unhappy over Kalinga nagar?”

There is an ex commie fire brand MLA belonging to Napoleon’s political party who loves hurling thundering accusations targeting the Queen! I have seen the Queen’s forced smile wilt under this gentleman’s fiery assault. Similarly, the young Delhi educated MLA from the Congress who never loses an opportunity to fulminate on all sticky issues, is the Queen's bete noire.

It has struck me as quite strange the silence of the ruling party MLAs when the government is under siege. Rarely does anyone stand up in defense. The graprevine has it that they enjoy the rare sight of the Chief squirming under the Opposition's broadsides.

Not a single party MLA has an iota of respect for the Queen after seeing his dreaded Machiavellan moves in his short political career. Who knows if he shall give them the party ticket the next time? None can forget the ruthless political games played by him . The way he has kicked out senior party men, would even put Judas to shame!

We have the jatra owner MLA who excels in melodrama whose best career would have been playing the lead villain in his opera shows. He is undoubtedly a character whom Oriya mothers can invoke to lull their little babies to sleep. With his terrifying bloodshot eyes and unshaven face, he can be easily mistaken for an escaped convict from Jharpada jail! The dimwit just mutters a few dialogues from his jatras whenever asked to react on important issues!

The Queen never trusts him though he is supposed to be the party's goon leader to lead street fights during the elections. Though he is desperate to become a Minister for gathering the loot, the wily Chief is yet to agree.

The obese “Puri Sandha” is a disgrace to the House. With his unbuttoned kurta exposing his forested chest and with the thick smear of vermillion on his glistening forehead, he does look like a Hindu fanatic about to brandish his trishul and shout “Jai Shri Ram!” He has got into trouble many times in the past for forgetting his role as the moderator in the house and acting as a faithful barking dog of the ruling party.

He is also believed to have a hand in the Puri land scam. I am sure the Queen is waiting for the right time to sacrifice him in his inimitable style! How does the Queen who has high sartorial standards tolerate this buffoon? Methinks for a start he should ask him to button up his kurta! At least when the House is in session!

I know the Queen hates the hullabaloo and the theatrics in the House! Poor guy, does he have a choice? I am sure he misses the page 3 crowd at the scotch swigging Delhi 5-star parties where it is infra dig to shout. And where gliterrati talk never goes beyond the latest abstract by Hussain or the latest burning cause espoused by Arundhati Roy!

He hates the uncouth paan chewing netas . But with his remarkably obscene obsession for power, the party animal can forget the glitzy drag dos of Delhi and New York, if he wants to see fawning party men and the cheering crowds!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Shandha,

Why don't you post on the hugely embarrassing culture of sychophancy in Orissa. The bald general manager of an Oriya newspaper shaved his remaining tufts of hairs to declare his unabashed love for late Nandini Satpathy. He aparently used to refer the late chief minister as his "ma" and the cleanshaven look was a tribute his mother. This shithead also calls the skinny wife of the paper's editor as his mother. It's another matter that the skinny wife once started in an eminently forgettable Hindi movie in which she romped around in skimpy clothes. I would send you a longish post on the culture of psychophancy prevailing in Orissa tomorrow. I hope you would cary it.

Monday, August 14, 2006  
Blogger Kalinga Sandha said...

Pl do dhik Oriya . I would be delighted to carry it as a main post. Give it as a comment and I shall post it.


Monday, August 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually in Oriya households, even daughters are referred to as "Ma" by elders. Maybe that is what the bald GM means when he talks about the ex actress who I hear runs the paper.

Imagine the red faces of senior reporters who have to take orders from a failed starlet!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha Ha, I couldn't help laughing out when I read your very apt description of the "Puri Sandha". The joker had been abroad to attend some conventions.

Wonder what the foreigners thought of our state after seeing this clown addressing them with his bare chest!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For Oriya media professionals who vist this site...

Is there any web forum/web group for Oriya media pros to know each other and build network??? any yahoo group...or any community in orkut???

Would be grateful to get a reply.

Sorry moderator...I shouldn't have posted this message here. But could n't help after seeing this successful platform. I'm sure many journalists from Orissa would be visiting this blog.

Thursday, August 17, 2006  
Blogger Kalinga Sandha said...

To last Anon,

Plz do feel free to post any message which you think would be useful for the media community.

Thursday, August 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear KS
Are you aware that the I & PR minister has nominated new committees that would look after the accreditation of journalists and also their welfare ? It's stinkingly scandalous to say the least.The qualification of most of the members is their proximity to
Naveen Niwas and Pyari Institute
for Miserable Pigs ( PIMP ).
Why don't you investigate and say something about the desperate methods that the Queen adopts to add potency to the glue he uses to stick to his chair ?

Thursday, August 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks moderator for ur support....
just to add
found one such community in orkut...
Interested people plz join

Sunday, August 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does any body really care for acreditation? I dont think except for getting a govt house, journos get any other facility.

Any way, the change in rule to increase the no. of years worked to 10 years is a bad idea.

Sunday, August 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can any body give me an idea of the salary structure in oriya papers?

I know how much the trainees and junior people get. But what's the range in mid levels and senior levels?

Sunday, August 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salary structure in Oriya papers???

Well, all that you get is a press card, against which you are expected to extort/blackmail all and sundry and pay hefty sums to the editor/proprietor.

Thats the rule in the D paper run by the sleazy T.

T however allows the employees to keep a portion of their booty as commission. How generous of him.

Monday, August 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only T? What abt S run by B bhai and the largest circulated one by the great son-in-law?

Monday, August 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

D by T Bhai has at least the guts to take on the mighty unlike spineless journos talking big and walking tall...and licking the feet of those in power to curry favours for themselves and their superannuated fathers...

Shame on them.

Monday, August 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

D-paper by T Bhai taking on the high and mighty? This Anon must have lost his head.
T bhai is motivated by nothing else than lucre. If he is taking on somebody - high or low - it definitely is because his unseemly demands have not been met and T Bhai is only settling his personal scores.
Give us a break, Anon. We have known this T Bhai from his adolescent "infamous sex diary" days......

Tuesday, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot to add a small bit of correction concerning the D paper run by T Bhai.

The balding sycophantic GM of the paper called the editor's famous mother Ma and shaved his head on her recent death.

But hold on...this GM has other mothers as well.

He addresses the mother of his editor's nubile wife as Ma too. An earlier comment here said it was the wife who was being addressed as Ma.

Wonder whether the biological parents of this GM is proud or ashamed of their son's unabashed sycophancy.

T Bhai however has no qualms. He loves his feet-licking flunkies.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wanna know more about this T bhai...I was a kid when all these "famous scandals" happened. Can some body enlighten? I'm sure I wont get anything on the net.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006  
Blogger Kalinga Sandha said...

In fact, I have a hazy recollection of the diary issue when it was fist exposed.

Wonder if one could get a copy from somewhere?

Could any senior plz educate us what these diaries contained?

Wednesday, August 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

am also interested....seniors plz help.

Thursday, August 24, 2006  

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