Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Laptops can beat poverty !

Laptops can beat poverty!

The Prime Minister was coming! Suddenly, everyone kicked into action ……the somnolent Orissa Police, the dozing babus of the Secretariat and the paan chewing peons loitering around the corridors! The Sardar was not here to holiday! He had come to review the KBK works!

Everyone knows that the grand KBK plan has been a monumental failure with little work to show on the ground. The doomed tribals continued to starve and migrate to Andhra Pradesh and Chattisgarh, while crores of rupees were siphoned off. The only guys who benefited were the owners of the plush jewellery showrooms in Bhubaneswar who raked up record sales of gold and diamonds bought by happy wives of KBK officers.

Families of babus of Bhubaneswar and Cuttack used to dread a posting to the boondocks of KBK! However, since the last 6-7 years, no wife cribs that dear hubby has to rough it out in western Orissa. Everybody now drools over a KBK job! The chance of a lifetime to pillage!

However, rain did play spoilsport when the PM arrived. I can never forget the hilarious sight of the Queen hitching up his flappy trousers with his dainty fingers,as he gingerly made his way over the wet tarmac, careful not to wet them! Ah only if he had worn a chiffon designer saree!Would have made a lovely Page 3 picture!

Careful not to mouth any idiotic statements during the Sardar’s stay, the Queen suddenly became voluble after the IAF plane had taken off! He lamented the neglect of the state, forgetting that his babus have been regularly returning central funds due to their sheer inability to spend. In fact, many Central sponsored schemes had to be whittled down due to our incompetent and supremely lazy babus.

However, can’t blame the bureaucrats totally, since the dumb Vigilance watchdogs breathe down their neck and sniff a scam whenever big money is spent. Woe betide the babu who approves the expenditure! He might be locked up in Jharpada jail after a few years when the Queen needs an image boost!

Lord Jagannath saved the Queen! If only, the PM could have made it to Bolangir and Koraput, he would have been shocked to see the rampant diversion of poverty alleviation funds. The district officials lead jazzy lives splurging the funds on air conditioners, designer bathroom tiles, IBM laptops and tonnes of junk equipment in their crusade to fight poverty !

The poor continue to starve without a livelihood! I feel disgusted to see the stark images of emaciated and distressed residents who Ethiopian refugee like, quietly starve in their pitiable hutments, waiting for the mai baap sarkar. Meanwhile the overfed babus and netas zoom around in their luxurious SUVs on their mission to eradicate poverty!

The Queen should stop puckering up his flabby face and spout his fake concerns for the KBK poor. Why doesn't he stay in one of these leaky huts for a week if he wants to improve their lot? Ofcourse, I do wonder if can he ever get the time for this. Won’t banias like Anil Agarwal and the junior Ambani be disappointed if they do not find him waiting to sign MOUs at Bhubaneswar?

All KBK schemes are mired in the cesspool of corruption and the sundry government welfare schemes have miserably failed to lift the poor from their abysmally shocking poverty. I dare the Queen to prove that the lot of even 100 poor families of KBK has improved after the scheme was run.

I do not think even 50 % has been actually spent on the ground. The worse part is that the amount which was spent was wasted since useless schemes which never delivered were executed which hardly benefited the target group.

Just hear about a few success stories about the KBK plan as touted by the state government. Apparently, they formed the Sankumari VSS to protect the Podagad RF under Umerkote Range on which they spent over Rs.12 lakhs from 1998-99 to 2002-03 to carry out plantations over 170 hectares of degraded forest land.

The most ridiculous claim is that over 20 Quintals of Amla was harvested in 2001-02. How could the VSS claim success, since Amla tree would take at least 8 years to mature and yield fruits?

In the Hatapeta Nala mini watershed project an amount of Rs.37.8 lakhs was spent apparently to benefit 9 villages. But there are no figures of the pre project and post project per capita income of the beneficiaries. How do you evaluate success if you cannot compare these two sets of vital figures?

From 1998-99 to 2004-05, a total of Rs.943 crores was allotted, out of which the state claims to have spent 914 crores. Rs.169 crores is for Planning and Coordination with a major portion for roads. For plantations they spent Rs.112 crores.

As expected roads took up 169 crores! Everybody loves roads and everyone knows that KBK roads exist only in the UCs sent to the Centre. And even if they are built, they get washed away by the first monsoon showers! The best way to loot!

On development of agriculture Rs.61 crores was spent. There was measly 7 % allotment for agriculture. Developing agriculture could have stemmed the mass migration which should have been the focus all these years!

A juicy amount has been spent on plantations ……almost 13 %. The forest guys are the happiest lot since they got lots of moolah. A PCCF who has since retired used to go on his infamous KBK collection tours and return with bagfuls of cash.

There is no measuring yard for success since plantations can always fail due to drought or be lost to termites!

The KBK hoax continues and shall do so for the next 100 years, but nothing shall change for the cursed poor of these districts!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Kalinga Sandha,
That was a scathing one on KBK's Babus. Great job. You probably missed the fact that the wives of most of the KBK babus do not accompany their husbands to KBK. The wives go only on holidays along with their relative sand friends, have a good time and return with cash for the gold and diamonds. The husbands also dash to Bhubaneswar/Cuttack on weekends and holidays and deposit their extra earnings with their wives. Thus flourishes the jewelery business in the twin cities.

Now that the PM skipped the visit and we do not know when or whether he will ever find this...someone should push the Vigilance, CBI or whoever to check the purchase details at these shops which could then point to these Babus and expose the corruption in the KBK region. I guess the guilty when punished will lead to genuine & honest Babus working for the upliftment of KBK.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just one comment so far? You have gone out of fashion Sandha. Amen

Sunday, September 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sandha you couldn't be more correct.

I visit the area quite frequently and am appalled at the lack of basi facilities for the poor.

Wonder when will they develop ?

Monday, September 11, 2006  
Blogger Kalinga Sandha said...

To Ramram,

Yes,the posting got one comment! Maybe because, it did not have anything on the bhainas!

Can't help it if it readers don't wish to comment on a subject.

I think the KBK plan is one issue where all of should be concerned, especially people in the in coastal districts.Decades of efforts by the state govt. have failed to yield results.

The most unfortunate thing is that this is leading to a deep sense of alienation among the residents which is rearing its head in the form of the Koshal movement.

Do we want to see Orissa divided?
I sympathize with the KBK people as they have been denied facilities and benefits which they are entitled to.

When the ORT was operating, they used to give only the broken down buses for these districts.

Similarly, most of the money allocated for govt. schemes never got released . Even if it was spent, most of it was siphoned off.

Remember the Kashipur tribal scheme where Rs.70 crores was spent under IFAD? H.K. Panda who was sent to investigate had given a very damning report about the corruption in this scheme.

Similarly, rice recycling is another persistent problem.

Just analyse the tour frequency of our ministers and secretaries and you will see how the number of tours to KBK areas are negligible.

I think all of us owe an enormous responsibility to cover KBK issues in the media as well as force the govt. to be fair and just in dealing with the people from these areas.

After all they are our Oriya bhais and should never feel neglected.

Monday, September 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The netas from KBK are dazzled by the glittering lights of the capital city when they come to BBSR.

Wallowing in the luxury of the 3 star hotels and enjoying the attention of the massage parlours, they easily forget the burning problems of the people who elected them ! How sad!

Monday, September 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unless, we are able to stop migration in KBK , we can never claim that poverty has been stamped out from that region

Monday, September 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read this blog today morning and must thank the writer for enlightening me.

It was brilliant to pick out the relevant facts regarding the spurious achievements as claime by the state govt. After spending nearly 1,000 crores, how little do they have to show!

You have done an excellent job in exposing the vile attempts by the officials by claiming that KBK was a success.

Monday, September 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just came across this blog posting while doing a search!

Kalinga Sandha has exposed the KBK fiasco.

KBK stands : Khao Babu Khao yojana!

Thursday, September 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

KBK has failed thanks to our greedy babus and netas.

The unfortunate thing is that the locals are too illiterate to understand their money is being looted!

Thursday, September 14, 2006  

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