Labradors at the Queen's house
Labradors at the Queen’s house
The Queen is smiling once again! Fawning ministers and bootlicking party men gathered outside his house to greet him on his 60th birthday. Soon, the birthday boy emerged from the cool confines to the waiting posse of TV hacks for the mandatory pose. He (she) has turned 60 and the hordes of admirers and netas had turned up dutifully to wish him !
However, the smile was strangulated! Not a genuinely happy smile fit for a birthday celebration. The jarring note was the face off with the feisty Medha Patkar the day before when she wanted to barge in with a brigade of anti Posco villagers.
What a different smile he throws up when he sees a handsome nattily dressed youth. He took elaborate pains to smooth down his kurta which hung loose over his rotund belly. The effect of the Scotch and jumbo prawns evenings are difficult to hide after 6 years of power !
The Paika Minister stood like a faithful Labrador waiting to greet his master. He had a huge bouquet of flowers to present him. The Mafiosi leader from Jajpur Road who now heads the finance ministry and whose fate after Kalinga nagar is still hanging in balance was hesitantly standing unsure whether he could shake hands or just do namaskar and hand over the bouquet and disappear before the Queen guillotines him !
Many ministers and party men were afraid to even go near, lest the Queen take offence! However, the tall youth leader from Nayagarh stood just behind the Queen to make sure that his smiling mug appeared in all TV visuals! This would ensure that favour seekers would fall at his feet and he would make his own little bit on the side!
Most ministers are never invited to lunch with the Queen. The few that are politely decline since they are aware about his love for hamburgers and corned beef. Since many of our ministers are devout god fearing mortals, eating even from the plate which is used for serving beef is sheer sacrilege !
And many of them do not relish sandwiches, fish cutlets or tossed salads for lunch. A proper lunch means a full plate of rice and curry. Without this they would faint!
The Medha incident was truly avoidable. However, when you have such useless and incompetent cops, what else you can expect?
The Orissa cops were egregious in their intelligence failure. How could they fail to cordon off the area when they found that the anti Posco guys were marching towards the gates of the Queen’s house? They had a full hour’s time! They cannot claim that there was no time to respond to the situation!
Some heads would have rolled the same evening in any other state. But ofcourse nothing happens here. Everybody hums and haws and it is back to business once again. I guess they think Lord Jagannath willed that this should happen !
But the Queen is definitely scratching his head for a solution to the Posco problem which just refuses to die down. With govt. officers and netas unable to enter the sealed off area, everybody is now wondering whether the plant will ever come up. I hope everyone remembers the warning issued by the Posco chief last week that if land is not handed over within a month, they will be forced to close shop.
The Koreans are plain idiots not to read the writing on the wall. With such a popular mass movement how can they ever think that the government will be able to hand over the land even in one year, forget the one month deadline! Their strenuous efforts to build a “bridge of friendship” by flying down teams of doctors to do cleft lip surgery and the liberal donations to local temples and youth clubs has truly gone down the Mahanadi waters.
No amount of bribes and allurements to the leaders could make a difference.After all, everyone in Jagatsinghpur district is a neta. How many can you buy off? The Koreans tried this but realized that it was a pure waste of rupees. And the beautiful Soo, their PR lady whom I truly miss, has also flown the coop. Who will sweet talk the hacks now?
Uncle could do little to defuse the Posco imbroglio. The Queen is worried that if the Posco deal plonks, the corporates would be wary of trusting the state government about its apocryphal promises to hand over land and the precious mines !
And woe betide if that happens! The first instalments of the booty the banias and firangis queued up to deliver, have to be refunded.
Can you show me one person in this wonderful earth who would gladly return easy loot ?
Dear KS,
this time its Ayn Rand who has the LASTWORD "Honesty is the recognition of the fact that the unreal is unreal and can have no value, that neither love nor fame nor cash is a value if obtained by fraud - that an attempt to gain a value by deceiving the mind of others is an act of raising your victims to a position higher than reality, where you become a pawn of their blindness, a slave of their non-thinking and their evasions, while their intelligence, their rationality, their perceptiveness become the enemies you have to dread and flee - that you do not care to live as a dependent, least of all a dependent on the stupidity of others, or as a fool whose source of values is the fools he succeeds in fooling - that honesty is not a social duty, not a sacrifice for the sake of others, but the most profoundly selfish virtue man can practice: his refusal to sacrifice the reality of his own existence to the deluded consciousness of others."
"Bottlemate" your comments please about copy and paste.
Ha ha Klainga Sandha! You are at your vintage best once again. Keep the acid flowing from your fingertips. The Queen would never realise that he is surrounded by kickass morons who can't do a thing right. The SP and the DIG of Bhubaneswar can only hum and haw after Medha managed to outwit them and the Posco top guns only hope that people would realise the benefits of their steel project. If they were to realise, they would have dont it so far. The Posco idiots can't perhaps figure out what the bamboo baricades put up by the Jagatsinghpur women mean. It means bamboo to Posco- or keela, plain and simple.
Last Word I understand your problem...and I feel really bad because we don't have enough psychiatrists in the state.
Who are these Labradors???
Can we have some names please?
And any media Labradors?
Naveen tried to be a good student. He did not make the grade.
Naveen tried his hand at painting.
He failed.
He wanted to be a writer.
He was a miserable flop.
As a last resort he joined politics.
Someone said politics is the last resort of scoundrels...but I would
say if you fail in everything else
you can try politics.
Talk more carnal things LW, like Magda in Rand's The Night of January 16
Magda-He had a platinum gown made for her. Yes, i said platinum. Fine mesh, fine and soft as silk. She wore it on her naked body. he would make a fire in the fireplace and he would heat the dress and put it on her. it cooled and you could see her body in silver sheen, and it been more decent if she had been naked and she ask to put it on as hot as she can stand, and if it burned her shameless skin she laughed like the pagan she is, and he kissed the burn, wild like tiger!
(Now imagine, if she was the Queen and he was Veer)
dear sandha,
high time stop giving gyan along with Lastword who do you think both of you are,dharam veer ki jodi.Wait till you get locked by your own horn and Lastword eating his last word too.
Hi Last word and Bottlemate,
Hats off to both of you!
Keep up the quotes from Ayn Rand! I love them. She is a huge favourite of mine!
Suggest both of you sit together for a drink. I shall sign the bill.
However, go to some good bar, not the sleazy place which claims to be "proud to be in Orissa".
Roll call of Labradors..........
The Paika Minister is one weak Labrador.
The smiling tea server boy who now heads the I & PR deptt. is another.
And that oily Kumuti who only picks up a file which has bank notes stuck to it is another.
Any more ?
Oh yes. That dickhead Suria who heads agriculture departement. That sod does not know a thing about agriculture and lifts off his dhoti everytime to show his grassroot. Ha ha.
Then there is that Phulbani mines minister who serves as a doorman for people coming to dig up and loot the State's mines. The list would be just endless.
Bottlemate you look at the misery and deny the sun but I look at the sun and deny the misery.I recomend please go through the diaries of Franz kafka.
Last Word and Bottlemate please read Swami Bidha-Goithanand's
" Seven Truths and Eight Lies" published by Penguin Asia.
Especially the foreword by
Swami Kilbilianand Saraswati.
It may help.
How I wish I could be a Labrador at the Queen's house.
I had always dreamt of making millions out of transfers and postings.
Can anyone recommend me to the Queen please ? I would be grateful.
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